Monday, July 16, 2012

Journey Playthrough Series

Hey everybody, if you are fans of fantastic, original video games, you ought to check out my homage to Journey, a mind-blowing, beautiful adventure game by thatgamecompany, the maker of flow and Flower.

Experience the game in its awesomeness.

The game is set in a desert and tells the journey of a pilgrim who is heading to the glimmering mountain top. On the way, the pilgrim meets other pilgrims as crossing the desert and soaring through magnificent structures worn out by the ages. That's all I'm going to tell so far. You'll have to watch the videos to find the truth of the story. I promise, if you have an open mind, you won't be disappointed. The visuals and the music go hand in hand to make sure that life is sweet.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Spending Summer Vacation & Football

Time to enjoy summer. I'm going to enjoy the fine weathers in the city and spend a lot of time outside. Hope that the feeling is mutual. 

Aside living my life, there's a ton of games I should play and review and do videos of. I'm feeling quite lazy recently.

The European Championship is now done and season is finally over. Spaniards have written a new mark in the football history books. Three consecutive wins of international tournaments have made Spain and the two biggest clubs, Real Madrid and Barcelona, the greatest teams of earth. Next milestone for Spanish football lies in the coming London Olympics; even though football as sport in the games isn't as prestigious as basketball or hockey, it's nice to see the young squads compete for the win of a prize. If I remember correctly, it's was Messi and Argentine that won the last Olympics and before that I can remember teams like Nigeria being in the final. So expect surprises.

Next football season is going to be a mystery. Many clubs are in trouble because of the current economic situation in Europe, and therefore have to make cuts in their budgets. Finland is no exception. Many clubs in the top national level can only pay scraps for the players, so it is no surprise to see the quality of the game, when five of 11 opening squad players can call themselves pros and make a "living". In Finland and in Scandinavia in general, the season is on. We play the game in summer because winters are cold and snowy with no chance of grass. The worldwide betting eye is looking here and I hope that once things get better, people would invest in the sport.