Sunday, October 16, 2016

Less naive, more guts

From the point of view across the Atlantic ocean, many are seemingly worried about the current travesty the US elections are. They've always been for as long as I can remember dumbed down circus shows with little or no interest. This cycle hit the stop. A spark was light and powder kegs around the world were lit instantly. This past Summer Brexit shocked the world. But can tycoon Trump strike gold, hit the home run or both?

Trump is a phenomenon. He gets dirty but isn't as dirty as he seems. He manages the masses. Trump is a showboat, and his political abilities are yet to be seen. He could be disastrous depending on the cabinet, should he be elected within three weeks from now.

No need to talk about criminal Hillary, witless Gary Johnson who's lacklusting appearance should in fact shame all libertarians or gutsy Green party leader Jill Stein, who in a sense is following in Bernie's shadow. Then there's some independent candidates. Can't recall if Deez Nuts is game anymore. Then there's eccentric time travel whistleblower lawyer Andy Basiago.

Elites are panicking that's for sure. Bias is in both in the MSM and alternative areas of media. Some seem trust their gut feeling more than their heads. Time will tell.

How about the Wikileaks exposé? Media colluding to preserve Hillary won't report on their own misdeeds. Shameless. This treachery will take time to recover the lost trust to the public. New mainstream is born, because elder generations are passing and so is their trustworthy cable tv news source.

Like it or not, the landscape is going to change, whether is landfall, tsunami or solar flare. The scars of this election are carved deep in our subconscious.

Thank god, we have a bountiful asset of distractions to choose from once and when somebody is elected eventually. We can fall into the usual apathy or keep pushing for the change we deserve as citizens of this Earth. Revolution.

What's up with post-truth mayhem?

Are we nearing the derelict wasteland of mindless opinions given too much credence. Are we there yet? Bias is something none of us can escape. With all the uncovered media collusion surrounding the US presidential election, it is no surprise people don't trust the news provided by Big Media, voting machines financed by supervillain George Soros and a number of local and national politicians bought by big business lobbies, banks and pro-war think tanks. These corrupting tentacles of power seep into all kinds of business, the bigger, the better and more influence they have. Hollywood and movies used to be big mind programming propaganda platforms but more and more video game industry and the coming wave of VR will try to feed us with CIA/ globalist think tank laced world view. So don't be surprised.

Well, post-truth, what can we do? How can anybody have their say in the biz? Some people around the various platforms and social media, ie. Twitter & Youtube are most likely being compensated or influenced to promote a certain political view. You got Casey Neistat, don't know really who, annoying as hell, promoting Shillary whereas many conservative leaning youth credo pundits are giving thumbs up for T-man. Many seem worried about this pay-to-play kind of way to influence gullible masses into supporting whichever product their idol is showing at them. Don't be fooled, it's product placement, all of these non-rational heartfelt endorsements.

Give it a second though, will you? For world's sake if for non other reason. Many people around the world could use a break of all the interventionist policies US gov't and subsidies have mercifully bestowed upon us by buying influence over top of your elected officials, politicians and news outlets. I know it sounds like a big responsibility. I can't vote legally, even though for some reason Facebook reminded me kindly to register to vote in the election. I can't just march into US embassy and say: "I'm here to vote, however I'm not eligible to vote as per legal rules." It would be too crazy if they would allow me to vote, without showing any ID, like in many states in US where you can't just bus people, as they have already, around various polling stations to vote multiple times. Media will deny this. As Hillary has denied any wrongdoing with her e-mails, all of that has come out of Wikileaks, the criminal intent, all of it.

I'm not going to tell you who to vote or to vote at all in any case. You've got the choices laid before you. There's zero accountability, because you can't know in advance will your voted be counted at all or will it be decimated or undermined by voter fraud in your state. Dead people are on those lists and their votes are up for grabs. I bet many of these extra votes are funneled into the early voting bunch before the election day to skew the polls in favor of house favorite.

I'm doubting the underdog has any chances, now since the latest scandalous revelations or accusations have turned the tide of GOP against him. It would be miraculous, if he would win against two parties having their election frauding practices line up against him after all the negative press pounding.

There's still time. Let's show the world who all these bastards are in real life. Their true colors will be revealed and there's no turning back.

Podesta leaks. Trust. Is. Lost. For. Good. Some say we need at least a generation to regain what's lost.