Friday, December 9, 2016

Currently on my channel: 龍が如く6 Inochi no Uta / Yakuza 6 playthrough

Yes, I am playing the Japanese retail version on my channel. I'll leave a link to the videos here.

This first video consists of some trial version gameplay. At this point, I'm already some 40 minutes into the story, which mostly a recap of events of Yakuza 5; Kiryuu getting injured and jailed while Haruka quits the idol industry and returns to the Okinawa orphanage.

This second video of the series starts off where the trial version ended. Kiryuu Kazuma is now in Kamurocho looking clues for the whereabouts of both Akiyama and Haruka.

Taking some time getting to know next gen Kamurocho while looking for clues. Things have changed.

There happens to be a scuffle between Chinese mafia and Tojo Clan. Obviously Kiryuu is pulled in the middle of this conflict.

Kiryuu saves a man from the Chinese gangsters and in turn gets a lead of Akiyama's whereabouts.

I had an unfortunate thing happen to me and my PS4 happened to uninstall the whole 36 gb file. No worries however, I continue this series shortly but so far these 5 videos will do.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Less naive, more guts

From the point of view across the Atlantic ocean, many are seemingly worried about the current travesty the US elections are. They've always been for as long as I can remember dumbed down circus shows with little or no interest. This cycle hit the stop. A spark was light and powder kegs around the world were lit instantly. This past Summer Brexit shocked the world. But can tycoon Trump strike gold, hit the home run or both?

Trump is a phenomenon. He gets dirty but isn't as dirty as he seems. He manages the masses. Trump is a showboat, and his political abilities are yet to be seen. He could be disastrous depending on the cabinet, should he be elected within three weeks from now.

No need to talk about criminal Hillary, witless Gary Johnson who's lacklusting appearance should in fact shame all libertarians or gutsy Green party leader Jill Stein, who in a sense is following in Bernie's shadow. Then there's some independent candidates. Can't recall if Deez Nuts is game anymore. Then there's eccentric time travel whistleblower lawyer Andy Basiago.

Elites are panicking that's for sure. Bias is in both in the MSM and alternative areas of media. Some seem trust their gut feeling more than their heads. Time will tell.

How about the Wikileaks exposé? Media colluding to preserve Hillary won't report on their own misdeeds. Shameless. This treachery will take time to recover the lost trust to the public. New mainstream is born, because elder generations are passing and so is their trustworthy cable tv news source.

Like it or not, the landscape is going to change, whether is landfall, tsunami or solar flare. The scars of this election are carved deep in our subconscious.

Thank god, we have a bountiful asset of distractions to choose from once and when somebody is elected eventually. We can fall into the usual apathy or keep pushing for the change we deserve as citizens of this Earth. Revolution.

What's up with post-truth mayhem?

Are we nearing the derelict wasteland of mindless opinions given too much credence. Are we there yet? Bias is something none of us can escape. With all the uncovered media collusion surrounding the US presidential election, it is no surprise people don't trust the news provided by Big Media, voting machines financed by supervillain George Soros and a number of local and national politicians bought by big business lobbies, banks and pro-war think tanks. These corrupting tentacles of power seep into all kinds of business, the bigger, the better and more influence they have. Hollywood and movies used to be big mind programming propaganda platforms but more and more video game industry and the coming wave of VR will try to feed us with CIA/ globalist think tank laced world view. So don't be surprised.

Well, post-truth, what can we do? How can anybody have their say in the biz? Some people around the various platforms and social media, ie. Twitter & Youtube are most likely being compensated or influenced to promote a certain political view. You got Casey Neistat, don't know really who, annoying as hell, promoting Shillary whereas many conservative leaning youth credo pundits are giving thumbs up for T-man. Many seem worried about this pay-to-play kind of way to influence gullible masses into supporting whichever product their idol is showing at them. Don't be fooled, it's product placement, all of these non-rational heartfelt endorsements.

Give it a second though, will you? For world's sake if for non other reason. Many people around the world could use a break of all the interventionist policies US gov't and subsidies have mercifully bestowed upon us by buying influence over top of your elected officials, politicians and news outlets. I know it sounds like a big responsibility. I can't vote legally, even though for some reason Facebook reminded me kindly to register to vote in the election. I can't just march into US embassy and say: "I'm here to vote, however I'm not eligible to vote as per legal rules." It would be too crazy if they would allow me to vote, without showing any ID, like in many states in US where you can't just bus people, as they have already, around various polling stations to vote multiple times. Media will deny this. As Hillary has denied any wrongdoing with her e-mails, all of that has come out of Wikileaks, the criminal intent, all of it.

I'm not going to tell you who to vote or to vote at all in any case. You've got the choices laid before you. There's zero accountability, because you can't know in advance will your voted be counted at all or will it be decimated or undermined by voter fraud in your state. Dead people are on those lists and their votes are up for grabs. I bet many of these extra votes are funneled into the early voting bunch before the election day to skew the polls in favor of house favorite.

I'm doubting the underdog has any chances, now since the latest scandalous revelations or accusations have turned the tide of GOP against him. It would be miraculous, if he would win against two parties having their election frauding practices line up against him after all the negative press pounding.

There's still time. Let's show the world who all these bastards are in real life. Their true colors will be revealed and there's no turning back.

Podesta leaks. Trust. Is. Lost. For. Good. Some say we need at least a generation to regain what's lost.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

While you were gaming: Game industry and the next financial collapse

What, how and when? How could this ever happen? You might think all of a sudden. By the time you read this the worst must've happened already. Oh, wait, it's well past the speed bump we experienced back in 2008, the sub-prime crisis, which was paved over by bail-outs, financial stimulus and accounting alchemy.

Yes, financial crash similar to the 1930's could happen and most people in that case would be in a much worse place, in so much so that they'd tough to manage even their daily lives yet to have time develop and produce games and for crowds and consumers to have funds and time to play these titles is unimaginable. There's always that possibility. Are you ready? Can you survive? What if your suburb, city becomes a death trap of the walking dead looking for means to survive even few days? Do you not see rioting even over trivial matters in the US? Won't there be riots after the Presidential election? Then what about a financial collapse unlike anything we've seen yet.

I'm not all over this dystopic view of the near future, however what I'm telling you here is not fear porn, but cold reality. You can ask yourself whether you can survive, by what means and for how long. Can you help others, family and friends etc. The gaming industry will have it tough no matter what, even in the case that consumers' median income stumbles with economic downturn, layoffs and such, globalization and it's ugly downside that has led to more wars, radicalization and inequality.

Can you therefore imagine yourself in a such predicament? A putting on a new video soon about this very topic. In the meantime you can look at some the vids on the series I've put this blog post.

Even though this is merely a layman's view of things with a hint of critical thinking, I wholeheartedly recommend everybody preparing themselves both in terms of mentality and physical supplies to last an era of societal and economic uncertainty because of all the signs point towards the implosion of the current rigged financial system. I want to stress as well that instead of a full blown collapse similar to the Great recession, there might be a serious stumble in stocks, shock and a transition period to a new financial system that will hopefully be reformed to suit the majority of people of this planet.

New video last but not least:

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Capcom bundle, RGS and Battlefield 1 beta

I haven't really been able to rummage through all the content of Humble Capcom Playstation Bundle. So far I've played Street Puzzle Fighter and Okami HD on my channel, a walkthrough of the latter is coming in due course.

As for Random Gameplay Series I've played a myriad of PS3 titles previously bundled up with PS+ subscription service. There we have Hamster Ball, Rock of Ages, Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken and Magic Orbz for instance. I've also committed some time to give you a glimpse of Bioshock series as the new remastered collection is arriving. On top of that I finished playing Square Enix 2013 Tomb Raider and managed to record some Far Cry 3 gameplay.

Far Cry 3

When it comes to demos and betas, the biggest attraction has been of course Battlefield 1. I mostly have had the opportunity to play conquest on Sinai map. It's pretty fun, but it takes some time get adjusted. I have to mention that on PS4 I've played a couple of other demos as well: Legend of Arslan, Deception IV - The Nightmare Princess and Nioh.

Here is Nioh Beta.

There we have it. For the latest content, be sure to visit my channel:

Thursday, September 1, 2016

New on my channel: Battlefield 1 Open Beta & Grow Home playthrough

Finally some fresh content on my channel. Battlefield 1 open beta started yesterday and had some server issues which luckily came to an end so I could record some gameplay.

I also completed the first mission on Grow Home; there's a robot climbing up a bean-stalk star plant in order to harvest the seed and send them home. Interesting to say the least and surprisingly fun to play.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

While You Were Gaming - Aug Sept time frame

As one would expect many things are occuring even as I write this. There are bloody wars being waged in Syria and Yemen, a slower fight going on in Ukraine and all out financial warfare against the middle-class in developed countries.

Ok, there's a slump in almost every European country, United States and Japan apart from a tiny separated parts of financial bubbles surrounding housing prices, IT-business and banking. Guess some of you might've felt the effects of those: debt, no or less jobs etc. Debt of countries is spiraling out of control as well, therefore it can be called a real time bomb with the demographic cliff majority of European countries such as the Euro locomotive Germany and industrious Japan are experiencing already.

At the age of heightening gaps between the obscenely well-off, affluent power brokers and the rest of us, more and more people are pushed to their limits and are pitted against one another. Lines are drawn between ethnicity, religion, political affiliation, social class, you name it. In Europe, we have heightened tensions between locals and migrants who have arrived recently from war-ridden Middle-East and poor parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Then there's political animosity between populists and the establishment groups, left and right wing groups. In US, the conflict is magnified by US presidential candidates: GOP's Trump and DNC's Hillary Clinton. The wedge between this duopoly is deep and being accentuated as more people vent their spleen on current events, narratives, beliefs and social strife. Only 9% of the voting aged population were heard during "the selection" of well-off candidates of the both aisles. Many were cast aside in the rigged election. More people are even more upset because all of this was public and so in your face.

US factions are supporting once again the overthrow of Assad regime with the help of none other than al-Qaeda and pals. Earlier US military refuse to become al-Qaeda's air force therefore leading to covert CIA assistance to the rebel jihadis.

Failed presumed CIA-Gülenite Turkey coup threw a monkey wrench to the globalist plan on Syria. Rapprochement toward Russia, after downing one their jets in Syria, has already been layed out as US gov't is stalling Fetullah Gülen extradition.

Many things are unraveling. The quickening is upon us.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

New series premiere: While you were gaming...

I'm starting a new series on my Fmips19 channel that focuses on current real life events. Sometimes I can connect real life and online activities and what contingencies these real life events might have to one's video gaming lifestyle or life in general in Western societies in the Americas and in Europe.

My point of view is Westerner. Well, of course, I live in Europe. I can relate to the Precariat or folks who have enough time play video games and appreciate them.

First episode will discuss recent ground-braking events in Turkey, where supposedly US-backed gulenite (named after mastermind preacher imam Fethullah Gülen) faction tried to overthrow another NATO countries elected yet authoritarian government. This coup failed and led to crackdown on resonators of conspiracy which basically means all opposition to Erdogan.

So far the crackdown against intelligentsia, gov't workers and army personnel continues. Inflamed Turkish ties with Russia are in the middle of reset over downed Russian fighter in Syria. Policy towards toppling Assad regime in Syria by assisting ISIL and other jihadist groups may be overturned which is a huge blowback towards US, Israel and Gulf-region led plan to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. Russia, Iran and Turkey might find a way to implement peace in Syria. US is moving its nukes out of Incirlick NATO airforce base.

I'll add the first video as soon as it appears online.

Friday, August 12, 2016

PS Plus August 2016 montly gem: Yakuza 5

August monthly game for PS3 supreme is Yakuza 5. This action adventure of the Japanese underworld is uniquely appealing and astounding. The story continues somewhat where Yakuza 4 ended as a crisis between leading crime families is unraveling. A known set of characters with some new surprising additions will encounter more surprises and coincidences than anybody could envision.

The story starts with Kazuma Kiryu in a sleepy town of Fukuoka where this brawler tries his best to leave his former life behind only to find his past thrown against his path once again. 

Yakuza 5 is a story-driven street fighting game in a open world urban environment with several enticing mini games to boot. The splendor of Japanese cities, fantastic story and robust action scenes are to be mentioned. The only major issues with the game are the repetitive fighting, mission and achievement system, some story pacing elements and pointless mini-games. It is worthwhile to mention that this game requires a lot space of PS3 HDD.

If not interested in playing this game yet, remember to add this title to your purchases for later enjoyment.  

Thursday, August 11, 2016

My original channel Fmips19 up and running (for now)



My original channel is now up and running. Uploading weekly content every now and then on PS4 and PS3 games mostly.

Some blog posts coming soon in English. I have been focusing on my Finnish blog on activism, geopolitics etc for the past few years. Maybe some of those more serious themes can leak into my gaming, entertainment blog as well.

Some new videos uploaded so far are Rocket League and Doom multiplayer beta gameplay.

My original channel has about 160 subscribers so far and my newer FinnballWizard channel has rougly three times that much. Whoah!