Wednesday, September 21, 2016

While you were gaming: Game industry and the next financial collapse

What, how and when? How could this ever happen? You might think all of a sudden. By the time you read this the worst must've happened already. Oh, wait, it's well past the speed bump we experienced back in 2008, the sub-prime crisis, which was paved over by bail-outs, financial stimulus and accounting alchemy.

Yes, financial crash similar to the 1930's could happen and most people in that case would be in a much worse place, in so much so that they'd tough to manage even their daily lives yet to have time develop and produce games and for crowds and consumers to have funds and time to play these titles is unimaginable. There's always that possibility. Are you ready? Can you survive? What if your suburb, city becomes a death trap of the walking dead looking for means to survive even few days? Do you not see rioting even over trivial matters in the US? Won't there be riots after the Presidential election? Then what about a financial collapse unlike anything we've seen yet.

I'm not all over this dystopic view of the near future, however what I'm telling you here is not fear porn, but cold reality. You can ask yourself whether you can survive, by what means and for how long. Can you help others, family and friends etc. The gaming industry will have it tough no matter what, even in the case that consumers' median income stumbles with economic downturn, layoffs and such, globalization and it's ugly downside that has led to more wars, radicalization and inequality.

Can you therefore imagine yourself in a such predicament? A putting on a new video soon about this very topic. In the meantime you can look at some the vids on the series I've put this blog post.

Even though this is merely a layman's view of things with a hint of critical thinking, I wholeheartedly recommend everybody preparing themselves both in terms of mentality and physical supplies to last an era of societal and economic uncertainty because of all the signs point towards the implosion of the current rigged financial system. I want to stress as well that instead of a full blown collapse similar to the Great recession, there might be a serious stumble in stocks, shock and a transition period to a new financial system that will hopefully be reformed to suit the majority of people of this planet.

New video last but not least:

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Capcom bundle, RGS and Battlefield 1 beta

I haven't really been able to rummage through all the content of Humble Capcom Playstation Bundle. So far I've played Street Puzzle Fighter and Okami HD on my channel, a walkthrough of the latter is coming in due course.

As for Random Gameplay Series I've played a myriad of PS3 titles previously bundled up with PS+ subscription service. There we have Hamster Ball, Rock of Ages, Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken and Magic Orbz for instance. I've also committed some time to give you a glimpse of Bioshock series as the new remastered collection is arriving. On top of that I finished playing Square Enix 2013 Tomb Raider and managed to record some Far Cry 3 gameplay.

Far Cry 3

When it comes to demos and betas, the biggest attraction has been of course Battlefield 1. I mostly have had the opportunity to play conquest on Sinai map. It's pretty fun, but it takes some time get adjusted. I have to mention that on PS4 I've played a couple of other demos as well: Legend of Arslan, Deception IV - The Nightmare Princess and Nioh.

Here is Nioh Beta.

There we have it. For the latest content, be sure to visit my channel:

Thursday, September 1, 2016

New on my channel: Battlefield 1 Open Beta & Grow Home playthrough

Finally some fresh content on my channel. Battlefield 1 open beta started yesterday and had some server issues which luckily came to an end so I could record some gameplay.

I also completed the first mission on Grow Home; there's a robot climbing up a bean-stalk star plant in order to harvest the seed and send them home. Interesting to say the least and surprisingly fun to play.