Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sorry for the lack of recent activity


Sorry everybody, I've been keeping pretty busy with some both local and global concerns. First of all, my PS3 hard drive is reaching its limits when it comes to downloading and holding local digital content I've been acquiring for over some time as a PS Plus subscriber. There have been some other discrepancies concerning my Youtube account settings; since some new updates took place, my video length quota was surprisingly reduced to under total 15 minutes.

Anyhow, we're all living some exciting times outside our virtual realms as well. I don't know how well and how much you guys out there try to keep yourselves informed on societal issues such as freedom of speech and censorship. The fact is that gaming no matter how popular it gets is not impervious to any kind of limitation of expression and freedom. I wholly agree that gaming is a medium of that and should therefore be used as a means communication, interaction, education and, yes, of course, entertainment.

However, everybody are so far in their own freedom to choose whatever games, companies and attitudes they support and abide with. Playing for fun is a great relief, a means to explore new environments, situations and opportunities; it should remain so, yet I'm afraid, as the industry is reaching more and more attention, gaming will undergo some major ideological and harmful changes. Only time will tell.

As for myself, I try to get back on track, try to share some of my passion of music, video games, and all other things: Most important part is the process of sharing beliefs, experiences, paving way for other people to experience themselves the ups and downs of virtual and real life.

Take it easy and remember to get some air and sun every once in a while.

Friday, January 18, 2013

It's been a while


It's really been a while, since I've written anything online. A bunch of stuff has been going on. I'll try to find time to write about something really important, not to be just a conformist.

All I'm going to say that things are going to change, the world, our views - heck, some of the things we've had a privilege to experience, but my generation never really had to acknowledge or fight for. It's been happening for a while and you can see, if you play any mainstream games you might notice that they convey a certain view of the world. It's an ongoing progress believe me.

Anyhow, some of the liberties we take for granted are now in danger. To say that something is true or untrue is irrelevant. People abide a system of beliefs, some these beliefs are still not coherent with the big picture - to an extent one can argue (I hope) that it is a known truth ie. is widely acknowledged and obeyed that the phenomenon called gravity exists. In other words, the theory of gravity is the best explanation thus far in our attempt at understand the dynamics of physical reality.

Back to games now.

There is a belief that gaming is harmful, that it promotes certain values. The first part is proven wrong until proven right. Isn't that right. Innocent until proven guilty. However, the latter part is true. Everything promotes something. The media, movie industry, government, education, ideologies, finance, and the list goes on. Somehow it is easier to accuse these big institutions instead of people behind them. I deem that few ideas are inherently corrupt, but in the hands and minds of certain people there is no other way. A critical perception on these ideas and values must be severed from the people in order to understand and see behind these fallacies. I strongly argue for the education of people to have the tools to deconstruct formal and material fallacies. Reading literature is one thing in itself and a good start. A short guide to argumentation can be found on wikipedia:

It is sad how the post-modern culture is so anti-intelligence motivated. People who ask questions are suppressed and terrorised. So far gaming has become greater money generator  than movie and music industry, and the on-going use games as a means of promoting certain values continue. Let's pick one theme, that is constant both in movies and games - war. War never changes. Sounds familiar? Best selling games and movies center around wars and fighting - agenda seems to be war for the sake of war.

One fathom deeper. Black Ops II. Wow. One piece in the puzzle.

When I got my hands on this game I thought "sweet". The campaign is one thing in itself, with some ridiculous scenes. Please, allow me to elaborate. One parts was where in Pakistan everything is flooded, yet the player isn't swept by a current that swiftly carries a bus away. What was that about? Then all the driving and jet flying was an epic fail. Shooting was the main point and that was done with precision, or so I thought before I ventured on playing the multiplayer and the couple of weeks of awe turned to somewhat disappointing realisation, because most of the time playing online, I'm sensing something disturbing: I'm no longer in control. Maybe it's not due to one certain thing, sometimes your on a streak and everything is going fine, but all of a sudden everything turns to sour. It's hard to pin point if it is some kind of lag compensation, poor design in spawn system or just bad solo and team play, but oh, as you have a bead on somebody, take a couple of well hit shots, and boom you fall back dead. Sometimes this happens to me too regularly, can't even seem to be able knife my enemy in the back. Awful. At least, in the earlier Cod games, I was able to feel that my own abilities had some kind of effect. Not expecting to buy any future Cod titles. We've had enough of those for a lifetime, don't we.