Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sorry for the lack of recent activity


Sorry everybody, I've been keeping pretty busy with some both local and global concerns. First of all, my PS3 hard drive is reaching its limits when it comes to downloading and holding local digital content I've been acquiring for over some time as a PS Plus subscriber. There have been some other discrepancies concerning my Youtube account settings; since some new updates took place, my video length quota was surprisingly reduced to under total 15 minutes.

Anyhow, we're all living some exciting times outside our virtual realms as well. I don't know how well and how much you guys out there try to keep yourselves informed on societal issues such as freedom of speech and censorship. The fact is that gaming no matter how popular it gets is not impervious to any kind of limitation of expression and freedom. I wholly agree that gaming is a medium of that and should therefore be used as a means communication, interaction, education and, yes, of course, entertainment.

However, everybody are so far in their own freedom to choose whatever games, companies and attitudes they support and abide with. Playing for fun is a great relief, a means to explore new environments, situations and opportunities; it should remain so, yet I'm afraid, as the industry is reaching more and more attention, gaming will undergo some major ideological and harmful changes. Only time will tell.

As for myself, I try to get back on track, try to share some of my passion of music, video games, and all other things: Most important part is the process of sharing beliefs, experiences, paving way for other people to experience themselves the ups and downs of virtual and real life.

Take it easy and remember to get some air and sun every once in a while.

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