Friday, November 15, 2013

State of the industry: Reality meets imagination - Promise of next-gen

Been a long time since I wrote something on this blog. I admit I've been busy with my Finnish socio-economic blog writing much more than I should've. Nonetheless, I should post here and then videos on Youtube while I still can with all the regulations and international law / free trade deals currently in progress undermining all the avant-garde work of bloggers and citizen journalists world wide. If you have no idea what I'm referring to, two words: TPP and TTIP. First one Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade agreement on many things wonderous, intellectual property right aka copy right for instance. The latter same kind of treaty between US and EU. Bunch of corporate BS. Find out about it. You're not going to like it.

Next-gen go gaga

Well, not really. Maybe an euphemism. There's a rocky road ahead. I want to address some of the troubling news that lie ahead notwithstanding you care or not. Willingness to buy in to the next-gen tech of video game consoles is of course a hot topic with the raging war between Xboners and PS4evers as seen in South Park episode Black Friday. Anyhow, first thing first, the price will be an issue for many since the economy is down the gutter. Second of all, the pre-holiday season release to push half-baked technical solutions will result in hardware malfunction and glitches, much like seen with the overwhelming episode over GTAV online hardships. Never again. Given the context of things, those are some the everyday things people should find out whether they decide to commit to a certain platform. Yet again we'll have to wait and see about the launch titles as well, some of which have already been postponed, thank God, to avoid premature exposure. For the better, I'm sure.

War of the worlds

The series of issues I'm going to address are not found within the usual parameters of next-gen debate: namely privacy, connectivity, health issues and copy right. These arguments go both sides. First, I start with the least important or the most known adverse effect of gaming: loss of health. 

Health issues are grave. As more and more people are prone to work, live and stay indoors, they lead a sedentary lifestyle and that combined with poor nutrition will result in devastating health problems. 1+2=disaster. In US, the public health renovation under Obamacare will also undermine the well-being of gamers, children mostly.

Then there's the alarmingly growing EMF exposure for everyone close the electrical appliances, the console, router, wi-fi etc. This factor will grow exponentially in cities where people bathe in EMF pollution. Studies point to negative health effects. Duh.

Third alarming point I want to raise is mental health aberrations due to sum unbeknownst factors (lifestyle, food, water, drugs, narcotics, disease, TV flicker rate, EMF, graphic content etc.). No big deal, it's called a life, but still can't help wondering about brainwaves, propaganda, conditioning and manipulation. Be warned though.

On the bright side, all of these can be defeated with proper lifestyle choices. Now that health is dealt with, let's continue to analyse privacy and connectivity. These too are important for the well-being of an individual. You've probably heard by now about the global scale mass surveillance and control grid that's out of East German style dystopian sci-fi flick. Nonetheless, we have it. We didn't know for sure that it existed. Movie references of surveillance tech were, we thought, most likely some film writer's fantasy. However, things are even worse in reality. No, we don't have GIs fighting Cobras in a worldwide scale, that's a fantasy. Instead we have enormous global corporate government that spies people that might some day become a threat to their existence. So gov't hand in hand with corporate interests, because the corps pay more than us, have decided to rape us over privacy and control us and make us pay for it. Long story short, my BIG issue lies with big corporations such as Microsoft that spies, collects information and shares it with their surveillance agency masters: buying a Xbox will surely contribute to their crime and gives them direct access to your living room with Kinect there watching you constantly, waiting you to make your move, say something that later might and will be used against you. They got you by the balls and so you buy in and play ball and contribute once again to the tyrants.

Now that I've got that off my chest, be sure look for yourself information about Kinect's spy capability. Plus the radiation. I guess the corporations would lie to us, again. The gov't can force a back door to any system, and probably already has, and gag companies.

Third major side note of this post refers to free trade agreements (TPP and TTIP) that will destroy the internet as we know it, will put ordinary folks in jail for copy right infringement and on top of that will destroy the remains of democracy (not that that hasn't already happened in many places, but still big RAPE).