Saturday, August 20, 2016

New series premiere: While you were gaming...

I'm starting a new series on my Fmips19 channel that focuses on current real life events. Sometimes I can connect real life and online activities and what contingencies these real life events might have to one's video gaming lifestyle or life in general in Western societies in the Americas and in Europe.

My point of view is Westerner. Well, of course, I live in Europe. I can relate to the Precariat or folks who have enough time play video games and appreciate them.

First episode will discuss recent ground-braking events in Turkey, where supposedly US-backed gulenite (named after mastermind preacher imam Fethullah Gülen) faction tried to overthrow another NATO countries elected yet authoritarian government. This coup failed and led to crackdown on resonators of conspiracy which basically means all opposition to Erdogan.

So far the crackdown against intelligentsia, gov't workers and army personnel continues. Inflamed Turkish ties with Russia are in the middle of reset over downed Russian fighter in Syria. Policy towards toppling Assad regime in Syria by assisting ISIL and other jihadist groups may be overturned which is a huge blowback towards US, Israel and Gulf-region led plan to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. Russia, Iran and Turkey might find a way to implement peace in Syria. US is moving its nukes out of Incirlick NATO airforce base.

I'll add the first video as soon as it appears online.

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