Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bots visiting my blog - Please stop

Today, there seems to be a spike of visits on my blog. Most of them seem bogus enough, because traffic to my blog comes from certain unreliable sources, for some odd reason. I'm not going to dwell more on this subject. Just a reminder though, the web is a weird place with people enough. These days algorithms bounce back and forth as bots count as views on pages and on videos.

If for some reason, you happen to be people, or some kind of sentient presence, please, it would put my mind to rest, if you'd leave me a comment. For example, write some info like how did you end up in my blog or something along those lines.

On another note, as the surveillance states grow bigger and bigger, privacy of fellow internet user is at stake. In other word, its time to fight back. Secure your browser. Clear those tagging cookies and hinder data corp from following you. Switch to use or search engines instead of Google, Yahoo or Bing.

If you can read this, you are literate in English. If you don't understand why, don't bother.

Let me know what you think about the latest Pet Shop Boys album - Electric.

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